New animated Startup Button Animation for Seasons 1&2 and Seasons 3&4.Emergency Braking System including Animation.Super Pursuit Mode in Season 4 KITT (including SPM Animation with original Sound, SPM Handling and SPM Engine Sound).Turbo Boost ( 5 different Modes with Selection Menu).New Animated Scanner for all KITT and KARR Models.Animated Dashboard for Season 1&2, KARR and Season 4 KITT (including working Speed dial, RPM dial, Temperature display, RPM Bar, Speed Bar, Fuel Display).Animated Voicebox for Season 1&2 KITT, Season 4 KITT and KARR.Here is the list of the current Mod Features:Īnimations, Sounds- and Display Functions Random Function for the different Turbo Boost sounds.Different Turbo Boost Sounds for each Turbo Boost Level.